Fnaf Shooter




If you ever played FNAF, you probably caught yourself more than once thinking: why is there no gun in this game?? Well, this mistake has been fixed in FNAF Shooter! Here you will finally be able to take it out on the hideous animatronics that have given you so many hours of hard time in the previous versions of the famous horror. Are you ready? Then let’s go!

Kill all the monsters on the map!

The evil toys will be attacking you in waves. At first, there will be just one heading towards you with a predatory snarl, then two at a time, then a whole bunch. And before you know it, you are up against an entire army. It depends on your reflexes and shooting skills whether you’ll be able to get through each of the waves, especially the last ones, or not. But if you do, you’ll be able to upgrade your weapon and kill animatronics even more efficiently!

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