Hunter and Props




Test a great hide-and-seek game in a shooting genre. It is a confrontation between two teams. One consists of hunters and the other – of props. It is up to you what role you choose – both will bring you lots of fun!

What is the key point of this game?

If you have opted for a hunter mission, then you need to find all props. The opponents will try to mask as usual objects, and you need to find them. Once you discover a prop, do not hesitate to shoot him! And if you decided to play for the other team, you need to be more than inventive. The main task is to mislead and trick the hunter. So disguise yourself not to be found – you may pretend to be any object you wish. There are different locations in this game to test – each of them will allow you to turn into new props. Also, you can create your own server and invite your friends for this cool confrontation!

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